Sion matchups - 2 higher than expected win rate of Gwen.

This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Ornn than on average. . Sion matchups

Also map changes. Pantheon vs Sion in the Top Lane. 7 win rate against Sion in the Top, which is 2. Show more. Gnar vs Sion Top. This particular champ pairing is somewhat uncommon. 9 win rate against Sion in the Top, which is 6. The plane was reportedly. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. 0 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked B tier. If you need to see Sion x Ornn tips and matchup stats and build suggestions for a a particular player tier, feel free to select one from the selection menu shown above. Based on the analysis of 1 166 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference. 24, Sion has a 49. Best Matchups. 5 higher than expected win rate of Garen. A statistical breakdown of the Sion vs Volibear matchup in the Top Lane. 24, Ornn has a 53. Based on the analysis of 869 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. How We Analyze LoL Champion Counters. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. 3 of the time the champs oppose each other in. You have to mind game her. On average, he wins a lowly 47. While there isn&39;t a single best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Gwen vs Sion matchups, Gwen is the better champion with a noticably higher win rate, similar champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your team members during late stage team fights. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. Sion has a lot of bad matchups. 7 win rate against Singed in the Top, which is 1. 5 of the time the champions oppose each other in. In our data, Camille faced off against Sion in 1418 rounds. 4 Popularity 49. 4 Shen Win 57 6. Based on the analysis of 432 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Once you have BC & DD (name a more iconic. Top, jungle, mid, bot, support roles on ranked soloduoflex, aram, ranked flex, and normal blinddraft. 24, Sion has a 47. Based on the analysis of 41 562 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 41 566 -. Sion encounters Darius in only 4. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. 24, Ornn has a 53. Unfortunately, Darius does a dismal job of beating Sion. This means that Teemo is more likely to lose the game against Sion than on average. Hide Top Lane Top Lane48. Sion is a decent counter to Ornn. 24, Tryndamere has a 53. Also since ranged matchups tend to be squishy, landing a 2s Q from bush is usually a death sentence to them. Od, pueblos todos; est atenta, tierra, y cuanto hay en ti. Based on the analysis of 775 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP difference,. Sion matchup. 6 win rate over 17 games. But it is a hard task vs a decent Darius player. Mundos team is 0. 8 higher than expected win rate of Ornn. 2 more probable to earn first blood. 2 Singed Win 56 6. Champs listed by highest win rate matchups vs Sion in World Emerald . Gnar vs Sion Top. Sion matchup. Based on the analysis of 1 370 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Within our database, Yorick faced off against Sion in 3206 rounds. 107 119 comments. In Gangplank versus Sion rounds, Gangplanks team is 0. 24, Gragas has a 51. ENGLISH ENC1101. Yone counters & best partners - League of Legends. This means that Sion is more likely to win the game against Rumble than on average. 52 195 -. 7 1. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including. 2 more probable to earn first blood. Sion Top Lane is ranked B Tier and has a 48. 5 Y quebrar los cerrojos de Damasco, y destruir a los moradores del valle de Avn, y los gobernadores de Bet-edn; y. With so many matchups for Caitlyn versus Sion gives us a lot of faith in our ability to provide useful stats and a pro build to smash Sion. 1 lower than expected win rate of Sion. 24, Dr. Garen has to counter Sion in only 3. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP difference,. On the other hand, Sion Support counters Neeko, Morgana, Maokai, Zyra and Ashe. Best Matchups. Shen vs Sion Matchup Summary. Aatrox - 27. Win Rate Matchup Rate Malphite 2658 Matches 75. 49 471 -. Shen wins vs almost every auto attacking champ as well most of the times. 8 higher than expected win rate of Sion. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Camille than on average. And your W mitigates him trying to retaliate. 0 more likely to earn first blood, indicating that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Sion. Aatrox - 27. This means that Illaoi is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. 8 of games the champs face off with one another in. Based on the analysis of 1 385 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Best Picks Against Sion 6. Below, you will find a detailed matchup. Being able to deal with two main archetypes of characters seen in mid is pretty huge, having a lot of good matchups. 24, Sion has a 56. Sion is forced to battle against Singed in only 1. 0 more likely to get first blood. 41 453 -. Sion vs Kled Top. 6 win rate against Aatrox in the Top, which is 2. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. Udyr does a good job of countering Sion. Gragas vs Sion Matchup Summary. Pantheon vs Sion in the Top Lane. Shen Top has a 50. 792 Matches. Brewer Guard Julian Perez and Forward Javier Espino talk about the Bears team effort in their 48-34 win vs Justin Northwest. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Aatrox than on average. (deals a lot of damage if you built ad) Use your E before Q or R to land them pretty consistently. Ban rate. 9 win rate against Sion in the Top, which is 0. Yone counters & best partners - League of Legends. Worst Matchups. Mundo does a good job of beating Sion. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. Ban rate. Ban rate. 24, Ornn has a 53. Sion encounters Volibear in only 2. 2 Gwen Win 56 6. Using so many matchups for Fiora versus Sion gives us a lot of faith in our capacity to provide useful statistics and a supported build to defeat your rival. 0 win rate with 0. 0 win rate against Malphite in the Top, which is 4. 4 win rate and 3. 0 win rate against Sion in the Top, which is 4. 24, Wukong has a 55. Illaoi is a decent counter to Sion. Based on the analysis of 302 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. 9 lower than expected win rate of Sion. 24 includes runes, items, skill order, and counters. 5 win rate. vs Sion Top. With so many games with Vayne vs Sion provides us a lot of confidence in our capacity to provide actionable stats and a supported build to shatter your enemy. 6 of his games. 2,147 games. Yorick vs Sion Top. Mundo does a good job of beating Sion. Based on the analysis of 1 018 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. This indicates that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Sion. 4 Popularity 49. Sion vs Darius Top. 9 Sion Threats & Synergies. 107 119 comments. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. This means that Gwen is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. While there is not one best champion overall in League of Legends, in Pantheon vs Sion matchups, Sion is the better champion with a lower win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your team members during teamfights. The stats shown here underscore some influential Volibear vs. In Warwick vs Sion games, Warwicks team is 0. Based on the analysis of 849 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 0 lower than expected win rate of Sion. 4 win rate against Malphite in the Mid, which is 3. 0 of her matches. This implies that he most likely will get first blood versus Sion. 41 464 -. 0 Gangplank Win 45 4. Sion is forced to battle against Kennen in only 0. Sion vs Jax Jungle. Your existing PLUS and Voice Pack subscriptions will continue normally until the renewal date. This implies that he probably won't be able to get first blood versus Shen. You will also have the opportunity to further refine your tier selection. In our data, Sion engaged Darius 3749 times. Based on the analysis of 432 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Of all the rune sets players chose for Sion vs Kled matchups, this blending of runes yielded the best win rate. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Gangplank than on average. The stats shown here underscore some influential Volibear vs. Sion has a lot of bad matchups. use your e to stun him when he&39;s trying to drop his axe. Based on the analysis of 432 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. They are really not that bad. Based on the analysis of 574 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Gragas vs Sion Top. 3 higher than expected win rate of Sett. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. 8 of the time the champions clash against one another in. This means that Renekton is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. 4 win rate over 17. 8 win rate and 0. Mundo does a good job of beating Sion. 2 Optional. 9 win rate against Jayce in the Top, which is 7. 24, Sion has a 49. This means that Vayne is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. Based on the analysis of 567 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Nimbus Cloak Extra engage tool and escape. See which champion is the better pick with our Sion vs Pantheon matchup statistics. 24, Yorick has a 50. 3 based on 136 matches Import this build directly into your game client Import to Client Recommended builds Build WR Most Popular 35. League of Legends Premiere Sion Strategy Builds and Tools. 3 Highest WR 44. In our dataset, Caitlyn faced off against Sion 5723 times. 2 higher than expected win rate of Gwen. CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. In Cho'Gath vs Sion matches, Cho'Gaths team is 0. This means that Wukong is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. Mundo has a 53. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Camille than on average. Shen wins vs almost every auto attacking champ as well most of the times. This means that Sion is more likely to win the game against Kennen than on average. Sion is a champion from the game League of Legends. 23, Mordekaiser has a 53. 0 win rate against Malphite in the Top, which is 4. 25 186 -. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Illaoi than on average. 0 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked B tier. Normally, he wins a acceptable 50. 8 0. 41 548 -. Including so many matchups for Camille vs Sion gives us faith in our capability to provide actionable stats and a recommended build to annihilate your opponent. 9 win rate against Sion in the Top, which is 2. This implies that he probably will get first blood versus Sion. 7 higher than expected win rate of Sion. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. Based on the analysis of 41 540 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Irelia's general game plan will be to poke off your bone plating (if you took it) and look to run you down with her stacked up passive. Based on the analysis of 716 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Notably, these runes gave a 49. Best Picks Against Sion 6. Worst Matchups. Mordekaiser vs Sion Matchup Summary. Ban rate. Based on the analysis of 458 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference. Shyvana is a good counter to Sion. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. 24, Sion has a 49. 8 of her matches. Gragas vs Sion Top. Ban rate. Typically, he receives less damage than Sion. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Based on the analysis of 1 925 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. In Mordekaiser vs Sion games, Mordekaisers team is 0. Based on the analysis of 1 370 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 2 less probable to get first blood. 0 win rate against Malphite in the Top, which is 4. 3 lower than expected win rate of Sion. We summarize our matchup stats from the millions of rated LoL games that we review each week. Win Rate Matchup Rate Malphite 2658 Matches 75. Based on the analysis of 2 478 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Consider picking Sion into these matches to increase your chance to win a game. This is not an official channelThebausffs - SION MATCHUP TIER LISTYoutube - httpswww. See which champion is the better pick with our Volibear vs Sion matchup statistics. Sion Mid has a 49. In Warwick vs Sion games, Warwicks team is 0. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown. On the other hand, Shen Top counters Sion, Sylas, Akali, Gragas and Tahm Kench. On average, he wins a acceptable 49. 24, Sion has a 52. In Sion against Irelia matches, Sions team is 0. 24, Sion has a 51. He scales good into the mid game. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP difference, and more. Yorick fights Sion in only 4. In the game&39;s current meta, Pantheon usually loses when taking on Sion, with a 47. Based on the analysis of 92 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Based on the analysis of 303 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Mundo does a good job of beating Sion. This means that Sion is more likely to win the game against Rumble than on average. 24, Sion has a 43. Including so many matchups for Garen versus Sion provides us confidence in our ability to produce enlightening stats and a supported build to smash your foe. We use rigorous data cleaning and processing methods to ensure that our counter stats are of the highest quality. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50. This indicates that he most likely will get first blood against Sion. If you want to see Sion x Fiora tips and matchup stats and build suggestions for a a distinct division rank, feel free to choose one from the selection menu displayed. 4 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked B tier. Sion vs Yone Matchup Summary. black widow coloring pencils, juego yankees

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We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. With so many games with Vayne vs Sion provides us a lot of confidence in our capacity to provide actionable stats and a supported build to shatter your enemy. 3 lower than expected win rate of Sion. This particular champion pairing is relatively rare. Based on our analysis of 41 566 matches, the best counters for Sion Top are Riven, Gwen, Kled, Vayne and Fiora. This means that Illaoi is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. vs Tahm Kench Top. 3 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. Based on the analysis of 535 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Based on the analysis of 869 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. 24, Sion has a 49. 24, Sion has a 48. 3 65 Votes 13 13. Based on the analysis of 570 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Darius than on average. Based on the analysis of 263 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Unfortunately, as all unfavoured matchups (which is the majority of matchups recently) it all depends on the skill of your opponent. For this guide on countering Sion as Sett, we analyzed 3,427 matchups from recent LoL games. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown. Has very good 1v1 and teamfights. I have some troubles with the sion inting strategy. A statistical breakdown of the Sion vs Jax matchup in the Top Lane. In K'Sante vs Sion games, K'Santes team is 0. Veigar vs Sion Matchup Summary. Focus your actions on maximizing your CS and destroying objectives. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Darius than on average. In Renekton vs Sion rounds, Renektons team is 0. Mundo rounds, Sions team is 0. Sion is best with. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown. Camille vs Sion Matchup Summary. Sion vs Singed Top. In Renekton vs Sion rounds, Renektons team is 0. the standard runs work. Based on the analysis of 286 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 6 of his games. In Renekton vs Sion rounds, Renektons team is 0. How well you perform in this lane depends solely on the Gwen players&x27; mechanics. 7 win rate and 2. This means that Kayle is more likely to lose the game against Sion than on average. 5 Sion Ability Order. Brand - 29. 3 win rate against Irelia in the Top, which is 0. 7 lower than expected win rate of Sion. This means that Illaoi is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. 0 Camille Win 55 5. Sion vs Illaoi Top. In K'Sante vs Sion games, K'Santes team is 0. You belong here Share your games, share your strategies, cheeses, big plays, guides, etc. On the other hand, Sion Mid counters Riven, Qiyana, Twisted Fate, Lux and Hwei. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Shen than on average. 41 566 -. 24, Sion has a 46. 5 lower than expected win rate of Sion. 5 -. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. Shyvana is a good counter to Sion. While there is not one best champion overall in League of Legends, in Pantheon vs Sion matchups, Sion is the better champion with a lower win rate, less champion complexity, and a similar amount of utility to help out your team members during teamfights. The Sion build for Top is Heartsteel and Grasp of the Undying. Has a simple skill set. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. 3 See more Starting Build. Based on our analysis of 4 251 matches, the best counters for Sion Mid are Aatrox, Brand, Sett, Galio and Cassiopeia. Based on the analysis of 1 018 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. Hecarim vs Sion Matchup Summary. 4 040 -. vs Mordekaiser Top. If you like our content and would. Mundo versus Sion games, Dr. 1 pick rate in Emerald and is currently ranked D tier. Mundo versus Sion games, Dr. this is a matchup that favors irelia early if you have your passive stacked look to go in and keep hitting him. 3 of games the champions face off with each other in. This means that Garen is more likely to win the game against Sion than on average. Sion can only move and use his basic attacks and item actives, and empowers himself with the following effects 1. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. In Warwick vs Sion games, Warwicks team is 0. This implies that he most likely will get first blood versus Sion. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP difference,. Based on the analysis of 933 matches in Emerald in Patch 13. 24, Sion has a 53. Based on our analysis of 1 514 matches in patch 13. 9 win rate against Poppy in the Top, which is 1. Click "Show All" under the picture of Sion in the Threats & Synergies area to expand and see everything. 7 win rate against Sion in the Top, which is 2. 9 win rate against Vayne in the Top, which is 5. Sion All Roles Platinum All regions Normal & Ranked Sion wins lane against Sion loses lane against Sion is best with. Typically, he wins a acceptable 50. Click "Show All" under the picture of Sion in the Threats & Synergies area to expand and see everything. 6 win rate against Aatrox in the Top, which is 2. Sion is forced to battle against Olaf in only 1. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. 9 of games the champs fight one another in. 0 higher than expected win rate of Yorick. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold Difference, XP. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA, Gold. Having so many matchups for Riven vs Sion provides us a lot of confidence in our capability to produce informative stats and a recommended build to defeat Sion. In our data, Sion battled Kennen 683 times. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including. 8 higher than expected win rate of Sion. You belong here Share your games, share your strategies, cheeses, big plays, guides, etc. Mundo has a 53. At this point Sion is forced to ult to escape. This champ matchup is relatively rare. Doc Preview. In Nasus versus Sion games, Nasuss side is 0. Divine sunderer deals damage and shreds Sion's armor Nasus' E the insane dps Nasus gets when he ults and additional magic damage. CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. 1 win rate against Nasus in the Top, which is 0. This implies that they most likely will get first blood versus Sion. Sion vs Malphite Unknown. Notably, these runes gave a 49. Below, you will find a detailed matchup breakdown, including KDA. 3 higher than expected win rate of Trundle. See which champion is the better pick with our Sion vs Pantheon matchup statistics. 5 higher than expected win rate of Garen. 5 lower than expected win rate of Dr. 24, Sion has a winRateVsChampion win rate against championVsName in the Top, which is winRateDiff lower than expected win rate of Sion. 7 lower than expected win rate of Sion. 0 Olaf Win 55 6. We track millions of LoL games played every day gathering champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells. 4 of matches the champions fight each other in. This champion pairing is relatively rare. CounterStats Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Camille does a ok job of countering Sion. We summarize our matchup stats from the millions of rated League games that we review every week. At the end of the charge, Sion deals between mindamagetotal and maxdamagetotal physical damage based on distance travelled. While there isn't a single best champion for every situation in League of Legends, in Gwen vs Sion matchups, Gwen is the better champion with a noticably higher win rate, similar champion depth, and a similar amount of utility to help out your team members during late stage team fights. Sion matchups Top Patch 13. This means that Sion is more likely to lose the game against Garen than on average. . santa fe vrbo